Sunday, 5 January 2014

Day trip to Soweto and the Lion Park

Day 5:

Day 5 on tour was truly a once in a life time experience and one we will cherish forever. Today we were lucky enough to visit a number of remarkable places in both Soweto and Johannesburg. These places included The Apatheid Museum, Nelson Mandela's House, a lion sanctuary as well as a tiny village in the heart of Soweto.

The Apartheid Museum was first up in the morning. The museum is located in Johannesburg and was built in 2001 to illustrate the 20th Century History of South Africa with a grand focus on Apartheid. Personally, I only had a small extent of knowledge about Apartheid prior to the 
exhibition. While walking through the museum, I was shocked when reading and watching some extracts from those times. For example, I watched hundreds of African citizens gunned down by white armed forces in Soweto. For me the footage really highlighted the savagery existing within humanity. These people wee shot simply because they wanted freedom and a united society. Was that really worth killing many innocents? Overall,I think many of the boys really enjoyed the exhibition and gained a valuable insight of the horrific nature of this oppressive regime.

Next we were off to a small village in Soweto. What came next was not anticipated. We arrived at the village and were warmly welcomed by the locals and introduced to our tour guide. He took us down the main alleyway and showed us various aspects of township life. I think all the boys were shocked by the difference in quality of life between where we live on the North Shore and this small village in the middle of Soweto. "It was such an eye opener thank God we live in Australia" Todd.

After a short drive through the township of Soweto we got out of the bus and visited Nelson Mandela's House. This was yet another amazing experience for everyone. Most of the boys just couldn't believe that we were  standing in the house of such a great historical figure and a father 
figure for many.

The final part of the day was a visit to the Lion Sanctuary just outside of Johannesburg. I think I can say this on behalf of everyone that this was the most popular event of the day. We got to see a number of African animals up close, such as cheetahs, giraffes and hyenas and also got the amazing opportunity to pat small lion cubs. On top of this we drove through various lion prides to finish off the visit.

Overall day 5 was yet again another memorable day for everyone. It was an amazing opportunity to learn more About the 20th century of South Africa, get close to more African animals and travel through and visit a small village in Soweto. 

Blog entry by Adam.

The entry point to the Apartheid Museum. 
A one room preschool in the informal settlement we visited in Soweto.

 The only sign that welcomes you to the township.

Outside the Hector Pieterson Museum. 

 Some of the younger members of the team with one young cub who was just excited to meet the Reds.

A tribute to the great man; Nelson Mandela.


  1. Great to see the boys experiencing the sights as well as the sometimes fairly confronting history of South Africa.

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